高端制造·创新制胜-采访MAPAL玛帕总裁Mr. Jochen Kress
2024-05-15 14:05  浏览:177

在充满活力的上海,CCMT 2024活动现场,我们有幸采访到了MAPAL的总裁Jochen Kress。他热情地与我们分享了MAPAL的历史、经验以及对未来的展望。作为刀具行业的领军人物,Jochen Kress先生不仅分享了他在这一领域的丰富经验,也为我们揭示了MAPAL的成功秘诀和核心竞争力,另外还涉及到对行业趋势及环保方面的看法。


MAPAL的历史可以追溯到1950年,由Jochen Kress的祖父创立,专注于为木工行业生产刀具和钻头。自那时起,MAPAL一直致力于创新和发展,现在已成为全球领先的刀具制造商之一。Jochen Kress特别提到,MAPAL的核心理念——即始终关注客户的需求,并为他们提供定制化的解决方案。


在谈到国际市场时,Jochen Kress肯定了MAPAL在欧洲、亚洲和北美市场的地位。他表示,MAPAL在这些地区都有强大的市场份额,并且正在不断扩大其影响力。另外,他特别提到了中国市场的重要性,并表示MAPAL在中国有着悠久的历史和深厚的根基。

关于公司的核心竞争力,Jochen Kress强调了MAPAL在定制化服务方面的优势。他表示,MAPAL的工程师团队会根据客户的需求,提供最适合的解决方案。正是这种定制化的服务,使得MAPAL在竞争激烈的市场中脱颖而出。


在谈到未来规划时,Jochen Kress谈到,MAPAL将继续关注客户的需求,并不断创新和改进产品和服务。他特别强调了MAPAL在可持续发展方面的承诺,并表示公司将致力于减少对环境的影响,同时提高产品的性能和效率。



采访结束后,我们与Jochen Kress先生合影留念,感谢他为我们带来的精彩分享。MAPAL的故事不仅是一段企业发展的历程,更是一部不断创新、追求卓越的历史。我们期待MAPAL在未来能够继续为全球客户带来更加优质的产品和服务。



In the vibrant Shanghai, CCMT 2024 event, we had the honor to interview Jochen Kress, president of MAPAL. He enthusiastically shared with us MAPAL history, experience and vision for the future. As a leader in the tool industry, Mr.Jochen Kress not only shared his rich experience in this field, but also revealed the secrets of MAPAL's success and core competitiveness, as well as his views on industry trends and environmental protection.

MAPAL dates back to 1950 by Jochen Kress's grandfather and focused on making knives and drills for the woodworking industry. Since then, MAPAL has been committed to innovation and development, and is now one of the world's leading tool manufacturers. Jochen Kress In particular, MAPAL's core concept of —— is to always focus on customers' needs and provide them with customized solutions.


On international markets, Jochen Kress affirmed MAPAL's position in the European, Asian and North American markets. He said MAPAL has a strong market share in each of these regions and is expanding its presence. In addition, he highlighted the importance of the Chinese market, and said that MAPAL has a long history and a deep foundation in China.

Regarding the company's core competencies, Jochen Kress highlights MAPAL's strengths in customized services. He said that MAPAL's engineer team will provide the most suitable solution according to the customer's needs. It is this customized service that makes MAPAL stand out in the highly competitive market.


When talking about future planning, Jochen Kress said that MAPAL will continue to focus on its customer needs and continue to innovate and improve its products and services. In particular, he highlighted MAPAL's commitment to sustainability and said the company is committed to reducing its impact on the environment while improving product performance and efficiency.

Finally, Mr.Kress shared his plans and goals for the future of MAPAL. He said MAPAL will continue to commit to improving the quality of its products and services to meet customer needs. At the same time, it will continue to invest in research and development and innovation to drive the company. He also said that MAPAL is very optimistic about the potential of the Asian market, especially in China. They will continue to increase their investment in China to support the development of their Chinese customers., They also expressed their support and blessing for the overseas investment of Chinese enterprises. He noted that there are some challenges to overseas investment,However, I believe that Chinese enterprises will surely succeed with their hard work and innovative spirit.


After the interview, we took a group photo with Mr.Jochen Kress to thank him for his wonderful sharing. The story of MAPAL is not only a process of enterprise development, but also a history of continuous innovation and the pursuit of excellence. We look forward to MAPAL continuing to bring better products and services to our global customers in the future.


